
// Goyoh Medical Instrument Co.,ltd.


Goyoh Medical Instrument Co.,ltd. Site Creation

For an aging society, a focus on health. Supporting the local community, Goyoh Medical Instrument.
From its base in Hiroshima Prefecture, Fukuyama City, Goyoh Medical Instrument operates multiple offices and pharmacies in the Hiroshima-Okayama area. From bandages to the advanced medical machinery, Goyoh Medical Instrument provides wide-ranging sales services in-and-out of country
We at Ropolo Design Creation are proud to announce with collaboration with this Fukuyama-based company in designing and creating their website.
In keeping with Goyoh’s commitment to acting as bridge between area residents and medical institutions, we created a website to help express their commitment to their founding ideals to assist anyone in leading a happy, high quality life.

【Goyoh Medical Instrument Web Site】(Japanese)